Nick Estes, 2022 One Book South Dakota, Livestream

In wrapping up the 2022 One Book South Dakota program, on September 23, 2022, Nick Estes, Ph.D., (Kul Wicasa/Lower Brule) gave the Friday night address at Festival of Books. His book, Our History is the Future, was the #NativeReads 2019 selection and the One Book South Dakota for 2022. Watch online via the South Dakota Humanities Council’s Facebook Livestream. You shouldn’t need Facebook to be able to watch.

For more information about, ‘Our History is the Future,’ please visit the #NativeReads page as the lead selection for this project in 2019.

#NativeReads livestream from Festival of Books

The Oak Lake Writers’ Society would like to thank the South Dakota Humanities Council for livestreaming several panels of the Society and readings by our members. Please click here to watch the #NativeReads Livestream.

Just before Covid-19 pandemic, the First Nations Development Institute partnered with the Oak Lake Writers’ Society (Society) to increase knowledge of and appreciation for Oceti Sakowin (Dakota, Lakota and Nakota) literatures. Because of the devastating effects of colonization and the government and church boarding schools, few people recognize that the Oceti Sakowin have our own rich and complex literary traditions. In 2019, the Society compiled a list of nearly 200 books by Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota writers that disprove and challenge this false assumption.

You can learn more about #NativeReads on our website.

Oak Lake Writers at Festival of Books this weekend

The members of the Oak Lake Writers’ Society invite you to join us at the Festival of Books by the South Dakota Humanities Council, this week, Thursday, September 22, 2022, through Sunday, September 25, 2022 in Brookings, South Dakota.

With the selection of Our History is the Future by OLWS Member and current Board Member Dr. Nick Estes (Kul Wicasa/Lower Brule) as the South Dakota Humanities Council One Book South Dakota, also the lead selection for #NativeReads, as well as the second printing of the OLWS anthology This Stretch of the River, the work of the Oak Lake Writers’ Society will be widely available to Festival attendees.

Panels, discussions and our exhibitor table will feature the collaborative work of the Oak Lake Writers’ Society, as well as the work of almost a dozen of our members and event participants. They include Lanniko Lee, Lydia Whirlwind Soldier, Gabrielle Tateyuskanskan, Dr. Craig Howe, Joel Waters, Dr. Sarah Hernandez, Dr. Nick Estes, Mabel Picotte, Diane Wilson, Taté Walker, Patty Bordeaux Nelson, and Tasiyagnunpa Barondeau. (Joseph Marshall III will not be attending the Festival due to health.) A previous inter-tribal retreat mentor Gordon Henry will also be presenting.

For the most up-to-date schedule, please visit the South Dakota Humanities Council. Gmail users can also subscribe to the Oak Lake Writers’ Society Public Events Google Calendar. Events are also listed below. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated.

Don’t forget to look for our table in the Exhibitor Area at the Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center to sign-up for door prizes and additional author signings by our members. OLWS anthologies and other books will be available for purchase at the table in collaboration with CAIRNS (Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies) and Dr. Craig Howe (Oglala Lakota).

OLWS Public Events at Festival of Books

Thursday, September 22

Special Event: Festival of Books Author Reception
(Confirmed OLWS authors include Taté Walker.)
Good Roots Farm & Gardens 3712 Medary Ave, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Price: $50 (Click here to purchase a ticket.)

Friday, September 23

Reflections on the Rerelease of This Stretch of the River - Craig Howe, Lydia Whirlwind Soldier, Lanniko Lee, Gabrielle Tateyuskanskan, Joel Waters - Moderated by Nick Estes
1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Founders Recital Hall

A Reading of New and In-Progress Work by Members of the Oak Lake Writers Society
5:30-6:15 p.m. (We will dismiss at 6 p.m. to go over to Nick Estes’s One Book keynote)
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Multi-Use Rehearsal South (195A)

Our History Is the Future: Taking Inspiration from Indigenous Movements - Nick Estes
One Book South Dakota Address

6:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Larson Memorial Concert Hall
(This event will also be live-streamed at the SDHC Facebook Page.)

Saturday, September 24

“The Gift”: Centering Lakotan Narratives & Artworks in Educational Exhibits - Craig Howe
10-10:45 a.m.
SDSU American Indian Student Center

The Seed Keeper: A Reading and Discussion - Diane Wilson
11-11:45 a.m.
SDSU American Indian Student Center

The Trickster Writes: Poetry Rooted in Culture - Tate Walker
1-1:45 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Classroom 109

Writing Relations: Authenticity in Native Literature - Gordon Henry & Devon Mihesuah
1-1:45 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Multi-Use Rehearsal North (193A) or online at the SDHC Facebook Page

Survival Songs: A Poetry Reading - Lydia Whirlwind Soldier
2-2:45 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Classroom 109

#NativeReads: Great Reads from Indigenous Communities - Lanniko Lee, Gabrielle Tateyuskanskan, Joel Waters, Patty Bordeaux Nelson and Tasiyagnunpa Barondeau - Moderated by Dr. Sarah Hernandez
3-3:45 p.m.
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center
Room: Founders Recital Hall or online at the SDHC Facebook Page

Sunday, September 25

Keeping Seeds, Restoring Gardens, Writing Culture - Devon Mihesuah & Diane Wilson in Conversation with Tasiyagnunpa Barondeau
11-11:45 a.m.
McCrory Gardens

Thank you to the South Dakota Humanities Council for their collaboration in making this an excellent event for OLWS members and all of the many readers and writers attending the Festival of the Book. An additional thank you to the Brookings Reconciliation Council for contributing to travel and accommodation costs for some of our members and panelists. Thank you to all the many volunteers who make this Festival a success.

A Festival of Books that is open to questions

by Professor Elizabeth Cook-Lynn

Elizabeth Cook-Lynn is the co-mentor and a co-founder of the Oak Lake Writers Society. Reprinted from Native Sun News with permission.

These days few people want to take on the right-wing histories and the white superiority thoughts that seem to be reasserting themselves in the publishing, newspaper, and book world that many writers like myself contend with every day. Yet, we continue to foster the well-known authors and mentor the younger crop, in trying to make sense of our world.

I say this because I just attended the SD Festival of Books as I do with enthusiasm every year, this year at Brookings, the seat of my alma mater, which initiates thinking about history. Some of us remember the 1960’s and the next decades when Noam Chomsky said America was guilty of grand theft, when Naomi Klein wrote about the disaster of capitalism, and Joan Didion took on professional football, and even Russell Means wrote about a place where “white men fear to tread.” It seems like all of that came about because ordinary people were given the chance to speak for themselves. And people wanted to read about what they had to say.

At the Festival, I was invited to read from my latest book, which I am calling a memoir and I was seated at the book signing between two white male classically trained historians born and raised in South Dakota. Neither of them was restrained about their own estimable credentials and, of course, neither of them had ever read anything I had written.

Gary Clayton Anderson, with an M. A. from the University of South Dakota, who is now the George Lynn Cross Research Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma specializing in ethno history and the history of Native Americans of the Great Plains and American Southwest, was there to talk about his latest book Gabriel Renville: From the Dakota War to the Creation of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation, 1825-1892, released just during the festival. It is a subject matter much written about by historians of all stripe.

Since I grew up living with a grandmother from that reserve who was one of the relatives of Gabriel, I had heard the stories of that history all of my life, and I went to Anderson’s presentation with great anticipation. It was a disappointing discussion not only because he regaled us with the idea that Patriot Chiefs like Renville were those who were interested in making the best of a bad time. They were not like those who led resistance wars. Thus, not a word about Little Crow and certainly nothing about Inkpaduta was in his work. I thought it was a bit one-sided and maybe even a wrongful interpretation of history.

Generally speaking, classically trained historians try to curtail and restrain the stories about the dangerous impulses of Indian opposition war leaders, so the less said about Inkpaduta, I guess, the better. Who is a Patriot Chief, I wondered? The one who tries to be accountable to Congress and the general public? Or is a Patriot Chief the one who leads the tribal-nation resistance?

That is, of course, the polarization that clouds all of our Indian stories, and our histories, and it seems to me to me that historians should not be too ready to edit themselves before telling the whole story.

It is possible that the reading habits of contemporary America, like everything else, are changing. Maybe we’d rather not face up to the past and so we say to ourselves, there’s too much reality here…. let’s read and tell a different story! History as we see it these days is returning to the idea that “classically trained” historians will and can and should revive the tradition of focusing more on diminishing any kind of opposition to their and our origins.

When I asked Professor Anderson what he thought of the work of a native Isianti scholar, Dr. Angela Cavender Wilson who wrote about that period and that war, and called it In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors, he said with great emphasis, “Not Much!” Her work was not important. He added that in his long career as a teacher and a writer, he has trained many Indian historians and he does not allow them to write about their own people. They cannot be “objective.”

That idea seemed to run counter to the work and the writers of many of the major voices of today such as Joseph Marshall III whose latest work In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse has been on the list of 52 Library best reads for 2018, to say nothing about the 30 or 40 books of Vine Deloria Jr.

Another history, A World without Reservations by Ben Reifel, the only Sioux Indian ever to be elected to Congress from South Dakota, was also on the agenda and was presented by Professor Sean Flynn of the Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell. Flynn is probably better known to local audiences for writing a book called Marine Corps Warrior about his father. This presentation and book at the festival was accompanied by a Briggs Library display and exhibit of Reifel’s life and career and many of the history buffs at the festival made a trip to the showing.

Reifel was a controversial figure at the time he was writing and serving in Congress because he was an advocate of enforced assimilation and a supporter of the state inspired movement of the 1950’s and 60’s called “State Jurisdiction” a nationwide “Termination” idea directed toward crushing the burgeoning native nation nationalism.

The Termination Policy was bitterly fought by the tribes all across the country and was defeated. A more rounded picture of that period is rendered in a book now ten years old titled Not Without Our Consent by Dr. Edward Charles Valandra (University of Illinois Press) that documents the resistance to Reifel’s political position.

As expected, Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder (by Caroline Fraser) was much-anticipated by festival goers because it has been touted as “an excellent biography which “refreshes our understanding of American history from Native Americans to the Homesteaders that replaced them,” according to several reviews recently available.

In the view of that book’s many readers, it seems quite remarkable that Ingalls Wilder, an unknown farm wife, discovered her poetic voice and was inspired to write this experimental meditation on the imagined country life of the American experience. But to suggest that it “refreshes our understanding” about the reality of Indian Life in 1867, when she was born and in the subsequent years as she was traveling across the west, is absurd. It is not a useful discussion of frontier policy. Its characters hate Indians but seem to know little about the distinct societies of people who had lived on this continent for thousands of years.

This is a family story that has become memorable entertainment television, like Lost In Space and Ann of Green Gables. It is a writer’s performance in historical writing about Indians and Whites that is so bad historically speaking, it may be seen as intentional mockery. In the story there is a steady refrain of casual racism and misogyny and even white superiority and reactionary politics. We know that the writer and her forebears thought FDR should be assassinated because of federal government interference in the lives of those who were encroaching in treaty-protected areas, were against his plan for social security protection for all citizens, and she simply told stories of her relatives who hated Indians.

To share our lives is what writers do. The struggle goes on to write history and to know our selves as Americans. The SD Festival of books is a marvelous way for educators, writers, parents, and students to gather each year to view not only our histories but to take stock of our futures.

New writers appear at the festival and are welcomed into the world of book lovers. The newest children’s book writer, Jesse Taken Alive Rencountre, from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe who counsels in the Rapid City School District, introduced her new beautifully illustrated new children’s book Pet’a Shows Misun the Light and has been named the Great Plains Emerging Tribal Writer of the year. As comentor and co-founders of the Oak Lake Writers Society, I continue to believe that writing is one of the important activities for us to use to come together.

(Contact Elizabeth Cook- Lynn at